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Agile Leadership

Agile LeaderShip

Reference: IPMA Reference Guide ICB4 in an Agile World

1. Perspective

1.1 Strategy

  • Change
  • Blurred vision
  • Agile strategy
  • Emergent
  • Create and adapt
  • Giving meaning to work
Key Competence Indicators
  • Align agile teams with the organisational mission and vision
  • Identify and exploit opportunities to influence organisational strategy
  • Develop and ensure the ongoing validity of the business/organisational justification
  • Determine, assess, and review critical success factors
  • Determine, assess, and review key performance indicators
Examples of Measures
  • Reflects the mission and vision of the organisation
  • Identifies new opportunities and threats which could alter the strategy
  • Uses the CSFs for managing stakeholders
  • Uses information systems for strategic performance

1.2 Governance, structures, and processes

  • Challenges
  • Lean organisation
  • Customer value
  • Agile working
  • Different structures
Key Competence Indicators
  • Know and apply the principles of agile work
  • Know and apply the principles of agile management
  • Know and apply the principles of agile portfolio management
  • Align the agile work with the supporting functions
  • Align the agile work with the organisation's decision-making and reporting structures and quality requirements
  • Align the agile work with human resource processes and functions
  • Align the agile work with finance and control processes and functions
  • Bridges the principles of classical management and agile work
Examples of Measures
  • Perceives and imparts agile concepts within the organisation
  • Explains the concept of scaling agile
  • Knows the concept of managing an agile portfolio (organisational structures and processes)
  • Knows the people, processes and services of supporting functions~

1.3 Compliance, standards and regulations

  • Creation of value
  • Bigger context
  • Laws and regulations
  • Sustainability
Key Competence Indicators
  • Identify and ensure that the agile work complies with all relevant legislation
  • Identify and ensure that the agile work complies with all relevant health, safety, security and environmental regulations
  • Identify and ensure that the agile work complies with all relevant codes of conduct and professional regulation
  • Identify and ensure that the agile work complies with all relevant sustainability principles and objectives
  • Assess, use and develop professional standards  and tools for the agile work
  • Assess, benchmark and improve the organisational agility
Examples of Measures
  • Provides a safe, secure and healthy environment for the agile team members
  • Identifies the social and environmental consequences of the agile work

1.4 Power and interest

  • Influence
  • Serve
  • Power
  • Influential
  • Inspirational
  • Curiosity
Key Competence Indicators
  • Connects the personal ambitions and interests of others in suppport of the agile work
  • Assess the informal influence of individuals and groups and its potencial impact on the agile work
  • Assess the personalities and working styles of others and employ them to the benifit of the agile work
Examples of Measures
  • Brings together the differences between individuals, other teams and organisational units
  • Acknowledges and can estimate the informal influence, power and reach of certain individuals in various settings

1.5 Culture and Values

  • Unwritten rules
  • Group behaviour
  • Values
  • Change
  • Openness
  • Respect
Key Competence Indicators
  • Assess the culture and values of the society and their implications for the agile working
  • Drive the organisational culture to better align with Agile values
  • Assess the informal culture and values of the organisation and their implications for the agile working
Examples of Measures
  • Identifies and acknowledges the cultural values, norms and demands of a society
  • Identifies the implications of the organisation's informal culture and values for the agile working; in conformity with the organisation's informal values and norms

2. People

2.1 Self-reflection and self-management

  • Growth minset
  • Reflection performance
  • Interactions
  • Behaviour
  • Discipline
  • Hapiness in working environment
Key Competence Indicators
  • Identify and reflect on the ways in which own values and experiences affect the work
  • Build self-confidence on the basis of personal strengths and weaknesses
  • Identify and reflect on personal motivations to set personal goals and keep focus
  • Organise personal work depending on the situation, own resources and the overall situation of the team
  • Take responsability for personal learning and development
Examples of Measures
  • Puts own experience in perspective
  • Identifies the value of their own strenghts, limits and weaknesses and talents in relation to the team/project. Openly shares both strengths and weaknesses
  • Selects actions that contribute to both the personal and the ream goals

2.2 Personal integrity and reliability

  • Agile mindset
  • Team delivery
  • Team value
  • Consistency
  • Leading by example
  • Common vs individual
Key Competence Indicators
  • Acknowledge and apply ethical values to all decisions and actions
  • Promote the sustainability of outputs and outcomes
  • Take responsibility for own decisions and actions
  • Act, take decisions and communicate in a consistent way
  • Complete tasks thoroughly in order to build confidence with others
Examples of Measures
  • Communicates own principles
  • Demonstrates ownership of both positive and negative results
  • Adjusts personal behaviour to the context of the situation

2.3 Personal communication

  • Co-creating
  • Face to face
  • Remote locations
  • Active presence
  • Non-confrontational forum
  • Constructive feedback
Key Competence Indicators
  • Provide clear and structured information to others and verify their understanding
  • Facilitate and promote open communication
  • Choose communication styles and channels to meet the needs of the audience, situation and management level
  • Communicatie effectively with virtual teams
  • Employ humor and sense of perspective when appropriate
Examples of Measures
  • Uses visualisation, body language and intonation to support and emphasise messages
  • Defines and maintains clear communication processes and procedures

2.4 Relations and engagement

  • Network
  • Servant leader
  • Obstacles
  • Evidence based decisions
  • Flow
  • Trust
Key Competence Indicators
  • Initiate and develop personal and professional relationships
  • Build, facilitate and contribute to social networks
  • Demonstrate empathy through listening, undestanding and support
  • Show confidence and respect by encouraging others to share their opinions or concerns
  • Share own vision and goals in order to gain the engagement and commitement of others
  • Use the social capital that is present in the network and stimulates its increase
Examples of Measures
  • Stays actively in contact, establishes a routine for face-to-face meetings
  • Asks others for their ideas, wishes and concerns
  • Emphasises the commitment of all to realise success

2.5 Leadership

  • Equality
  • Autonomy
  • Self-determination
  • Servant
  • Inpedements
  • Uncertainty
Key Competence Indicators
  • Initiate actions and proactively offer help and advice
  • Takes ownershp and shows commitment
  • Provide direction, coaching and mentoring to guide and improve the work of individuals and teams
  • Exert appropriate power and influence over others to achieve the goals
  • Make, enforce and review decisions
Examples of Measures
  • Sets up measures linked with customer value
  • Establishes a vision and values and leads according to these principles
  • Review decisions and changes decisions according to new facts

2.6 People

  • Teams
  • Interdisciplinary
  • Cross-functional
  • Challenge
  • Exchange knowledge
  • Divertity
Key Competence Indicators
  • Facilitates the selection and building of the team
  • Promote cooperation and networking between team members
  • Support, facilitate and review the development of the team and members
  • Empower teams to determine tasks and responsibilities
  • Recognise opportunities to facilitate learning and inspires for continuous improvement
Examples of Measures
  • Use tools for collaboration
  • Provides time and opportunity for self-development of team members
  • Analyses and discusses mistakes to determine improvements in processes

2.7 Conflits and crisis

  • Inevitability
  • Opportunity
  • Constructive behaviour
  • Ground rules
  • Optimal agility
  • Retrospective
Key Competence Indicators
  • Anticipate and possibly prevent conflits and crises. Surface possible concerns to the attention of the team
  • Analyse the causes and consequences of conflicts and crises and select appropriate response(s) with team
  • Mediate and resolve conflicts and crises and/or their impact together with team
  • Identify and share learning from conflicts and crisis in order to improve future practice
Examples of Measures
  • Facilitate the resolution of conflict in "no blame" restropectives
  • Selects and uses the right method with the team to solve the conflict or crisis
  • Utilises previous experiences as a part of team

2.8 Resourcefulness

  • Deliver results
  • Creative thinking
  • Solutions
  • Creativity
  • Sharing ideas
  • Disruption
Key Competence Indicators
  • Stimulate and support an open and creative environment
  • Apply conceptual thinking to define situations and strategies
  • Apply analytic techniques to analysing situations, financial and organisational data and trends
  • Promote and apply creative techniques to find alternatives and solutions
  • Improve decision-making by promoting a holistic view
Examples of Measures
  • Seeks input from others and shows willingness to consider and/or adopt their ides
  • Clearly reports and presents data conclusions, summaries and trend
  • Identifies interndependencies

2.9 Negotiation

  • Reach aggrements
  • Facilitate
  • Understanding of opinios
  • Points of view
Key Competence Indicators
  • Identify and analyse the interests of all parties involved in the negotiation
  • Develop and evaluate options and alternatives with the potential to meed the needs of all parties
  • Define a negotiation strategy in line with own objectives that is acceptable to all parties involved
  • Reach negotiated aggrements with other parties that are in line with own objectives
  • Detect and exploit additional selling and acquisition possibilities
Examples of Measures
  • Proposes the right option at the right time in the right way
  • Weights alternatives to the current situation and agreements
  • Documents the outcomes of the negotiation

2.10 Result orientation

  • Continuous pace
  • Deliver results
  • Flexibility
  • Continuous improvement
  • Effectiveness
  • Network
Key Competence Indicators
  • Evaluate all decisions and actions against their impact on customer value and goals of the organisation
  • Balance needs and means to optimise outcomes and success
  • Create and maintain a healthu, safe and productive working environment
  • Promote and "sell" the agile work and its outcomes
  • Deliver results and get acceptance
Examples of Measures
  • Derives the strategy from the goals, risk reduction and customer value
  • Defends and promotes the customer value and goals
  • Focuses on and demonstrates continuous improvement

3. Practice

3.1 Design

In software engineerning, it is the approch needed to achieve a certain goal.

Depends on:
  • Situation
  • Frameworks
  • Experiments
  • Hands-on
  • Change
Key Competence Indicators
  • Facilitate a shared understanding of the success criteria and make sure that they are documented in the vision.
  • Review, apply and exchange lessons learned from your experimentation and those of other teams and relevant communities.
  • Determine complexity and its consequences for the team's way of working
  • Selects and reviews the agile work approach in dialogue with the teams
  • Design the initial ways of working
Examples of Measures
  • Acknowledges and assesses both formal and informal sucess criteria and ensures they are reflected in the vision
  • Periodically re-evaluates the chosen way of working based on contextual and internal development

3.2 Business goals, requirements, value

Bring value to the customer

  • Vision
  • Uncertainty
  • PDCA - Plan, Do, Check, Act
  • Cooperation
  • DoD - Definition of Done
  • Value
Key Competence Indicators
  • Define the vision, prioritize the business goals and align the work
  • Identify and analyse the stakeholder needs and requirements
  • Continuously prioritise backlog items to maximize the value delivered
Examples of Measures
  • Facilitates that all backlog items contain documented benefits that are linked to the overall vision and organisational or business goals
  • Analyses stakeholder needs and requirements, considering utilizing the JIT principle based and backlog prioritization

3.3 Scope

What the team delivers

  • Delivery
  • Backlog
  • MVP - minimal viable product
  • Value to customer
Key Competence Indicators
  • Define the delivery structure for successive incremental deliveries
  • Establish and maintain scope configuration
Examples of Measures
  • Defines the solution or outcome starting with the MVP
  • Explains the differences in the principles for prioritizing outcomes
  • Compares progress and delivered value against a release plan using metrics around backlog/scope, velocity and cost

3.4 Time

Timeboxed deliveries

  • Manage
  • Waste
  • Time-box
  • Coordination
  • Iterations
Key Competence Indicators
  • Establish the products for the nex delivery
  • Estimate the effort and the number of iterations (sprints)
  • Decide on the roadmap plan (which includes increments, outcomes, etc.)
  • Sequence the deliverables and plan incremental deliveries
  • Monitor outcomes against the release schedule and respond to change
Examples of Measures
  • Empowers the team to define the products based on user needs and priorities for the next delivery
  • Knows the effects of uncertainty and how to benefit from this

3.5 Organisation and information

Temporary assignments

  • Processes
  • Sel-steering teams
  • Autonomy
  • Network system
Key Competence Indicators
  • Assess and determine the needs of stakeholders relating to information and documentation
  • Define the structure, roles and responsibilities within the agile work
  • Establish infrastructure, processes and systems for information flow
  • Facilitate, validate and coach the agile teams
Examples of Measures
  • Assesses and documents the information and documentation needs of the agile work
  • Facilitates the formation of new teams

3.6 Quality

Small and frequent inspection cycles.

  • Frequent inspection
  • Manageable deliverables
  • Error prevention
  • Peer review
  • Definition of done
Key Competence Indicators
  • Develop and monitor the implementation of, and revise rules for, the agile work that does not compromise the quality of each increment
  • Review the agile work and it's deliverables to ensure that they continue to meet the quality requirements of each increment
  • Verify the achievement of quality objectives and recommend any necessary improvements
  • Plan and organise the validations of the agile work outcomes
  • Ensure quality throughout the agile work
Examples of Measures
  • Establishes working agreements in the teams to build quality into the solution
  • Facilitates the documentation of different types of quality objectices suitable for quality validation when needed

3.7 Finance

Find the solution that brings more value and coasts less

  • Economic decisions
  • Make or Buy
  • Long-term forecasts
  • Fixed cadence
  • Manage expectations
Key Competence Indicators
  • Estimate solution or outcome costs
  • Establish the budget for the agile work
  • Secure funding for the agile work
  • Develop, establish and maintain a financial management and reporting system
  • Monitor financials to identity and correct deviations from the financial plan
  • Define the solution or outcome, starting with a minimum viable or marketable product
  • Ensure the identification of the MVP
Examples of Measures
  • Sets the coast targets by researching and consulting any relevant standards or internal guidelines
  • Develops appropriate reports in accordance with the organisation and governance
  • Analyses and interprets financial situations

3.8 Resourses


  • Dedicated teams
  • Effective teams
  • Collaboration
  • Talent
  • Temporary specialist
  • Single team focus
Key Competence Indicators
  • Develop strategic resource plan to deliver the costumer value
  • Define the quality and quantity of resources required
  • Identify the potencial sources of resources and negotiate their acquisition
  • Allocate resources according to defined need
  • Evaluate resource usage and take any necessary corrective actions
Examples of Measures
  • Reviews and analyses the resource capacity of the organisation and identifies trends
  • Defines the amount and quality of the required resources
  • Defines a sourcing strategy
  • Negotiates resource conflicts

3.9 Procurement

Collaboration is more important than contracts

  • Sharing approaches
  • Make or buy
  • Cooperation
  • Appropriate information
Key Competence Indicators
  • Agree on procurement needs, options and processes
  • Contribute to the evaluation and selection of suppliers and partners
  • Contribute to the negotiation and agreement of contactual terms and conditions that satisfy all parties involved
  • Supervise the execution of contracts, address issues and seek redress where necessary
Examples of Measures
  • Supports procurement preparation processes and procedures
  • Concludes and ends the agreed business relationship when either the customer value is in risk or all of the obligations in the contract have been met

3.10 Plan, adapt, and control

It's all about change.

  • Change
  • Adjust
  • Hypothesis
  • Value control
  • Expand
  • Shit
  • Review
Key Competence Indicators
  • Start the agile work and develop and get agreement on the overall plan
  • Initiate and manage the transition to a new release
  • Control the agile work performance against customer value and adapt when needed
  • Make progress transparent
  • Welcome changing requirements when it benefits the customer's competitive advantage
Examples of Measures
  • Analyses, values and prioritises information with the team
  • Defines the goals of the next release
  • Measures performance and outcomes
  • Makes a forecast report
  • Closes and evaluates a release, iteration or the complete agile

3.11 Risk and opportunity

Agiles strength

  • Day-to-day
  • Uncertainty
  • Short-term
  • Incremental
Key Competence Indicators
  • Tailor the risk and opportunity management framework for agile working
  • Identity risks and opportunities
  • Assess the probability and impact of risks and opportunities
  • Select approaches and implement response plans to address risks and opportunities
  • Evaluate and monitor risks, opportunities and implemented responses
Examples of Measures
  • Prioritises higher risk first and obtain early feedback (fail and learn fast)
  • Adds risk and opportunity responses into the backlog items

3.12 Stakeholders


  • Collaboration
  • Personal contact
  • Value changed
  • Appreciation
  • Respect
  • Opportunity
Key Competence Indicators
  • Identify stakeholders and analyse their interests and influence
  • Develop and maintain a stakeholder strategy and communication plan
  • Engages customers, management and sponsor(s)
  • Engage with users, partners, suppliers, and other stakeholders to gain their cooperation and commitement
  • Organise and maintain networks and alliances
Examples of Measures
  • Analyses the consequences of changes for the agile work
  • Identifies and evaluates opportunities for alliances and partnerships
  • Develops and evaluates measures for success

3.13 Change and transformation

Focused on providing value.

  • Adapt
  • Provide value
  • Change
  • Competitive advantage
  • Culture
  • Agent of change
Key Competence Indicators
  • Assess the adaptability to change of the organisation(s)
  • Identify change requirements and transformation opportunities
Examples of Measures
  • Identifies changes requirements and opportunities regularly
  • Uses reinforcement techniques to ensure new behaviour is sustainable

3.14 Select and balance


  • Possibilities
  • Iterative
  • Business cases
  • Deliver benefits
  • Regularly
Key Competence Indicators
  • Analyse the customer value of components
  • Prioritise components based on programme's or portfolio's priorities
  • Align programme capacity (funding) to strategic goals
  • Prepare and facilitate key component prioritisation decisions
  • Facilitate improvements throught the organisation
Examples of Measures
  • Maps dependencies between components
  • Assesses programe or portfolio value and contributes through the monitoring and review of key performance indicator measures


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