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Software Development

Software Development


Agile is an insurance policy for market changes. By designing your solution according to this methodology, your project remains flexible and is always ready for change. It is always better to correct the mistake early in the process. With this method, you keep your finger on the pulse of a dynamic market and changing user expectations. As a result, you can continuously adapt, change your strategy, and create a product that will be in demand by the target audience, even if preferences have changed during the development process.


DevOps is one more way to optimize the development budget of your application. A key DevOps approach is that this practice and its culture allow team members to better interact with each other and the customer. The software development team and those responsible for the operation of the application share responsibilities clearly, and it helps you avoid shifting responsibilities from one team member to another. DevOps involves the intelligent consolidation of areas of responsibility. Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) are the main components of the DevOps strategy. According to this practice, each module created is gradually integrated into the business processes to assess its effectiveness and feedback. Thus, you can avoid a situation where the application created does not meet the goals and needs of your business.


Test-driven development, or TDD, is a process of iteratively writing tests for your code. Once these tests are in place, you can confidently develop your software, knowing that you are not accidentally breaking functionality. It may require more time at first, but it gives you this sense of confidence and security that you are not breaking the functionality; you are building working software.


When building software, spend as much effort as possible to automate your processes. You don’t have to reinvent every wheel. Spend your time and money developing new features or improvements, not reinventing existing ones. Automation leads to greater productivity because it allows limited human resources to be focused more efficiently on specific tasks with higher payback. Besides, the only thing you have to consider is if a third-party company has already done a better job developing an automated solution for your needs or if you have enough time & money to build your solution from scratch.


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